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Friday, March 2, 2007

A Futuristic Vision

Video Conferencing will enhance the capability of trading through the global society. The world is becoming more diverse and different cultures are beginning to mix together more comfortably so in using this technology people are able to have meetings with other people all across the world without the traveling.

It is not cost effective when it is first purchased, because there is a lot of equipment, but the cost is not as much throughout the year. It is also better than traveling all over the world and you can just be in your own office and have a conference between you and people all over the world.

Another amazing aspect of Video Conferencing is how it is in real time. Specialist Doctor’s all over the world can view surgeries in other parts of the world and actually help the doctors performing the surgery.

These are all very important features because they can help people all over the world, and also can bring people and countries together. It is all helpful to people and we are quite lucky to have made this technology.


  • The Future of Viedo Conferencing

  • The Futre ofVideo Conferencing (2)

  • The Future of Web Conferencing
  • Strategies to Safeguard Users

    It is very important that we safeguard all our technology so that everyone is protected against possible inappropriate situations. It is also possible when using Video Conferencing that you could be blackmailed through recording a conference. However, it is illegal to record any voice or video calls without the other person’s permission. Two ways to safeguard you are:

    1. Trusting whom you are having a Video Conference for a business meeting with. Goes along with #2; to make sure that you know whom exactly you’re meeting with and what the rules of the meeting are. (Such as: only discussing certain information, and who is involved in the meeting.)

    2. Keeping personal information personal. Not giving out any information such as address, credit card information or lifestyle information. Making sure that when you have a Videoconference you know who is on the other line, and making sure any unknown people are able to be involved in the conference.

    To conclude, knowing whom you’re meeting with is especially important. Protecting yourself is very important, and if you are using this technology as a part of a business you need to protect the business to so it cannot be sabotaged or anything of that sort.

    Thursday, March 1, 2007

    Negative Effects

    As everyone probably knows, appearance is an important part of business. Presentation of your actions is a large aspect of how people will see you in your business world. A problem with Video Conferencing is you don’t get the real world value of how people really are. You lose eye contact and real encounters with other people through Video Conferencing.

    Another huge conciseness problem with Video Conferencing is the cost and the non-guaranteed working ability. As everyone knows, computers and technology sometimes have minds of their own and don’t always work accordingly. Having to spend thousands of dollars on Video Conferencing audio-output & input technology, and televisions to transmit pictures from, becomes very costly, as well as paying for the air time, through a network. This would present a huge problem if at a time where you needed to make a call through Video Conferencing, it suddenly shutdown and you had no way to fix it in the time that you needed it fixed by.

    The biggest personal issue with Video Conferencing is the ability it could possibly have on completely ruining face-to-face encounters, and making people more impersonal than ever before. This technology could in the future take out non-wireless telephones completely and now you could just have Video Conference technology in your homes. This would almost eliminate living at all, and just creating problems in the world of inverted people. It can become a way to have virtual meetings with other business people, but what if it was to be recorded? Although, recording without permission is illegal, it is still possible that people could use footage taken from a Video Conference to sabotage other people.

  • About Video Conferencing
  • Monday, February 19, 2007


    Video Conferencing in business is an up and coming vital piece of technology. It is a way for people in two separate locations to have a way to talk and see each other during a call. It is a very important piece of technology in business during meetings such a conference calls. This technology uses two televisions to have the video portion of the conference and they also use an audio output to have the sound.

    The first real use for the video conferencing was when NASA used this technology for the spaceship. Although, it took a long time to perfect this technology. For a while, it was very unclear picture quality and failed service. In the 1980’s Videoconferencing became a bigger trend and was more widely used. More and more networks, such as ISDN, began using this Video Conferencing. In the 1990’s this type of technology became easier to come across, and definitely more cost effective. Computer programs such as NetMeeting, MSN Messenger, Skype & Yahoo Messenger are now available to the public, and act as small ways of video conferencing. Mac also offers a program called, iChat, where you can make an account and add friends so you can use your web cam and talk into your computer, much like a telephone call except you can see the person you are talking to.

    There are also convenient parts of Video Conferencing, such as the capability of having three or more persons in a conference, by using this tool called, Multipoint Control Unit. In using this, you can either use an embedded system, or you would have to use extra tools to have this feature.

  • Mega Meeting

  • About Video Conferencing

  • Video Conferencing with Bell Mobility